Friday, July 11, 2008

Stop the world, I wanna get off

Mike and I are taking the kids to Florida for vacation in a week and a half!! We are soooo excited. Mike has been giving us the countdown for the past month now. He works sooo hard out in the heat all day, usually without eating anything till he gets home. (I don't know how he does it). Anyway, we have been trying to save up for spend money on the trip, by just watching what we spend our money on. I tell you what, you can spend so much money everyday on nothing!!!! Today, I ran by the grocery store - we live there now, because we are trying to be really good about not eating out- seems like we go every few days and it's nothing to drop 50+ bucks. Then the gas tank needs filling. I REFUSE to put more than 25.00 in at a time, so we are at the pump often too. Then there's prescriptions to fill, toiletries to buy.....the grass needs watered =$$, the AC runs all day, even though it's set at 78' and is warm in the house. Don't forget the other bills that need mailed........sooooo much money going out and I haven't even gotten anything exciting!! I know, I know, we are all there, but it does help to write it out. Days like these, I long for heaven. No worries, bills, grocery shopping......Well, Florida will have to do for now.....can't wait to get away and leave it all behind , even if it's just for a week:)

1 comment:

Becke' said...

I have been thinking about similar things lately. It is so frustrating to have soooo much money leave our account each month...and none of it is even for "fun" stuff! The only joy is when we get to give to things and people. Hop on over to my blog and let me know how you guys save money each month!

(IN)COURAGE -SO great...check it out!

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