Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tooth Fairy

Brooke has lost her very first tooth this past week!!! Isn't she kinda young??? She is 5. I remember Chase was 6, but oh well. She said she bit down on her tooth the other day while eating a grape, I looked in her mouth and noticed one of her bottom teeth was crooked!! 2 days later, at Kohls, she all of a sudden burst out,"my tooth came out!!" Boy, that was quick and easy. She must have said,"I can't believe my tooth fell out" a million times that day. People in Kohls were excited for her too. Everyone we came in contact with that day HAD to know her good news... so cute. That night, she placed her tooth in a sweet little gold box, I think it's an old pill box, and tucked it under her pillow. "mom, make sure the tooth fairy knows to leave my tooth, since it's my first one". The next morning she lifted her pillow to find $3.00 and a new Barbie tooth brush. Fun!! I can't believe my baby has lost her first tooth!!!


Becke' said...

WOW! The tooth fairy in your neighborhood is more well off than the one in our neighborhood. Ours has to pace herself in the donation department.
Hope your family has a Merry Christmas!!

Three Against One said...

Yeah!! Very exciting Brooke! Love the pictures she looks so happy and excited in them both.

Kelli said...

Wow! Your tooth fairy is I'm pretty sure ours has an agreement that she will leave no more than a dollar per tooth and has the option of cutting that in times of recession. Congrats to Brooke!

blessedpath said...

That amount was ONLY for the first tooth.....after that it'a a buck and that's it!!!

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