Friday, June 26, 2009

Do you remember the time...

I remember when my sister and I were watching MTV, that very first night the Thriller music video was on. They played it over and over again, and we tried to learn all the moves!!! It really was a big deal back then, for all you young thangs that don't know. It was the talk of the town. I actually loved growing up in the
80's. I think it had some of the best music, to this day!! Yes, I still get my 80s music fix from my tv, but now it is from the satellite tv station! I miss the old music videos. We spent many hours just watching MTV, when they ACTUALLY showed music videos! Anyway, I miss the old Michael Jackson, and consider it a big loss in this world that he is gone. You can pop out my music player and listen to some of his best songs, if you want. Or not:) Anyway, just thought his death was blog worthy.


G'night Gracie said...

I totally tried to learn all the moves. Thriller was awesome! I love the "DAD" picture you made. What a great idea. Wish I would have thought of that.

Three Against One said...

When I heard that Michael Jackson had died I have to admit that I was kind of like oh well, he hasn't done anything in forever and he is a total FREAK!! However, as I was driving around yesterday doing errands all the radio stations were playing his music and I started to get sad!:( He truly was a WONDERFUL musician and there will never be anyone else like him.

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