Friday, January 8, 2010

Budget Boxes

Yikes, I know it has been way to long since my last post, but I do check the blog world out daily. And yes, the Christmas music is FINALLY GONE!! Only now you will have to put up with some 80's music...I am just in that kind of mood. Hope everyone's Christmas and New Years was great!! We really enjoyed time with family and friends over the holidays. That is my favorite part of the season. The new year has grown some "wild hairs" as Mike puts it. We both have begun to watch what we eat...although we are not "dieting" yet per say, we are eating healthier. In part, because we are disgusted with ourselves, for looking the way we do!! Man. We have also put our money on a diet and have started a budget. I came across a show on CNBC called "Till Debt Do Us Part". I have DVR'd it, so I don't even know what day it shows on, but you should check out your tv's guide and tivo it too. It reminds me of Super Nanny, but for grownups and their spending bad habits!! Anyway, from that show, one of the things we have done, is set up budget boxes.
You are supposed to actually put the money you have alloted for each category, into the boxes at the begining of the month, but we chose do do it a little differently. We have been on this system for almost a week now, and I have to say, it makes you stop and THINK before spending a single penny!! Before making up these boxes, I took our bank statement for last month and used different colored pens to highlight the different categories, where our money went. Although December isn't the best month to calculate 'Normal' spending habbits, it was definately eye-opening to see exactly where our money goes!!! So, with that info in mind, along with our average monthly income, (which, with both Mike and I being hourly empoyees, it is definately AVERAGE, esp in the winter months with Mike's job.) we came up with what we thought would be a fair amount for specific categories. Our boxes are labeled with the following: 1 Gas/car - 2 FUN -3 McDonalds/QT/Restraunts - 4grocery - 5 Retail . You may have different labels, according to what YOU spend YOUR money on. Notice number 2 says FUN. She said to definately have a FUN account. We allocated $20 a week for this, and haven't spent any of that yet, so it will spill over to next week, maybe we will save up to go to the movies, or dinner?? Anyway, what methods do YOU use to help with your monthly budgeting? I am looking for all possible ways to make this work!!


Becke' said...

looks like a great idea! thanks for sharing it!

Kelli said...

Well it's about time you updated this blog! And yes, a great idea indeed. I just wish we could have a super nanny type come into our home and keep us on track. Lee and I are notorious for starting up systems like this and dropping them quickly. Ah! The plague of being unorgainzed!!!

Three Against One said...

She is alive over there, I was being to think you were leaving the blogging world. :(......
We too need to start watching where the money goes it is just so easy to charge everything, that is our problem and then you don't realize how much you have spent until the bill comes, YIKES!!
I tried keeping track of everything we spent. I had Cory give me all his reciepts along with mine and kept track in a notebook. We had a weekly amount of $150 each that we could spend, however, that never seemed fair as my money was always gone come the end of the week (I am the one who does all the gorcery shopping and buys all the toiletries after all)and never had any "Fun" money for myself left and he would still have around $100 as all he has to do is buy gas.
You have inspired me though I think we will give that another try along with dieting!

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