Thursday, January 24, 2008

The 20 seconds down the hill!!!

Note to self.... remember what it feels like to be a kid, no worries, no bills, just living life one minute at a time. Really taking the time to enjoy even the simplest of things. How it feels to sled down a hill in the snow. It's hard to keep walking back up the hill each time, your'e tired and cold.........but the 20 seconds down are so worth it!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

quality time with dad!

So....I had to work the night shift at work on friday, so Mike of course was home with Brooke (Chase was at a sleepover). Brooke has this "habbit" of coming into our bed half-way through the night most nights ( I know.......nip it in the bud). So she did on friday while I was working, and in the morning Mike realized the two of them had been sleeping snug as bugs.....with puke on them!!!! Brooke told Daddy "I coughed last night and then I burped!" Boy did I pick a good time to be at work all night or what?!! Mike did great, stripped the bed and washed everything by time I returned home in the am.
On those nights I have to work, Mike is great about taking the kids out somewhere for Quality time the next day so I can sleep for a few hours. They've had some fun times in the past at Grant's farm, pumpkin patch etc. Well this Quality time he had on Sat. was possibly the best bonding time yet.....Brooke and he picked up Chase at his sleepover and went to Subway for lunch. Mike doesn't do well with crowds and lines and it was Packed in Subway.... already frustrated, they found a booth to eat in and Brooke decides she needs to burp again after eating her ham sandwich.......................ALL OVER THE TABLE!!!! Mike went to the counter and asked for napkins and the lady gave him about 10. So he went back to wipe up the "MESS" which by this time is all over the floor too. So he went back to the counter to get more napkins...this time from a young kid who gave him 5 napkins, Mike has just about lost it at this point and exclaimed to the kid "hey man, we got a spill over there, I need more than 5!!!!!" Anyway, he said he just ended up wiping the table off the best he could,gathered the kids and left. This was a HUGE accomplishment for my darling husband because he doesnt do well with snakes, poop or puke!! Way to go Mike! I guess those who say it's not the quantity but the quality of the time you spend with your kids was right!!!! Hope Chase doesn't get the urge to burp next!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

ABOUT US [Photo][Photo][Photo]I thought I was very computer savy by sending emails and finally getting a digital camera that I could upload and send pics to grandparents in Florida. friend Kelli started a blog and hooked me to her site......... now I'm hooked and like the idea so much I thougt I'd make my own blog. Pretty cool. This is also a great way to stay in touch with friends and family across the miles or just up the street. I have to say, it helps reading about the simple daily trials of friends or strangers. Knowing we all experience similiar things as we walk this journey called life, helps a lot!!I have a very blessed life, which in no way means it's an easy life! But God has certainly blessed me and my family ( and continues to bless us beyond or dreams) Daily. Chase is 8 and in 3rd grade and loves to read. He currently is reading about 5 chapter books at the same time. Boy, he certainly did not get that joy of reading from me. I'd much rather pop in a video or dvd!! Brooke is 4ish and definately a princess!! She loves shoes and is already arguing about what she does/doesn't want to wear. Man, I'm not looking forward to the teen yrs already!!Chase and Brooke are taking swim lessons at the point. They are both doing well, but neither of them like to get their faces wet( kind of a problem when swimming, huh). Chase also loves to play guitar hero. So do Mike and I. The 80's are our favorite. It's kinda cool that Chase is getting into songs from 'our day". Boy that makes me feel old........still 39 but not far off from that NEXT number.I'll try and update every few days. Hopefully with some exciting stuff.

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