Friday, December 26, 2008

Tissues required

We went to the movie yesterday. We have never done this before on Christmas day. In fact, the only time we go is with my parents. It was over $50 for tickets and popcorn and drinks (we smuggled in our own candy)!!!! that is CRAZY!! BUT, we had a great time. We went very early...12:00 for a 1:10 movie. When we got there it was empty, but within 20 min. you were lucky to find a seat. I haven't been to a sold out show in ages. We, again, usually go during the week and see kid friendly shows and often, we are the only people in the theatre!! ANYWAY.... We saw Marley and good. It is about a couple, whose first child is a dog (like so many of us) and they try to train him, they have kids of their own, jobs, frustrations...And Marley is there with them through it all. It shows you Marley through the years, getting older and slower. and yes, the ending I just wanted to burst out in tears, Oh, I cried all right in the theatre, but man, i was holding back from Exploding out in tears!!!! It took me back a few months ago with Spanky and I felt as if i was reliving it. Good movie. Good cry. It was a good day. My only regret was I should have brought some tissues, because the buttery covered napkins Mike so kindly gave me, were not workin!


Kelli said...

I really want to see that movie too, but I need to be in the mood. I knew it would pull on the meotional heartstrongs and I have to be ready for that. Sounds like a fun day though! I left you another Merry Christmas comment on the below post but I'll say it again here! Merry Christmas!

Jenny said...

Ohhh... I've heard this is a sad movie!!! I would love to see it! I'm a sucker for sad movies especially sad movies with dogs:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've stopped by yours a few times, too. Your family is adorable!!!

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